20 / The Rise Of User-Hostile Software
Published on August 29, 2021Welcome to this weeks issue, hope you had a good week! 🙌🏻
Tweet of the Week
If a programmer gets an interview because of a recommendation from a friend, are they being passed by reference? — @CarlaNotarobot on Twitter
- The Rise Of User-Hostile Software (den.dev)
Den Delimarsky about user-hostile design choices in modern everyday life, with some examples that really hit home.
- Possible by default (linus.coffee)
Linus talks about the importance of the correct mindset when thinking about new ideas.
Software Engineering
- Home Lab Beginners guide (haydenjames.io)
Hayden James about his homelab and what components he recommends when getting started.
- scoped-arena-allocator (devblog.arcana.rs)
Roman writes about an arena allocator he's written in Rust.
- Hexagonal architecture in Rust (alexis-lozano.com)
Cutting Room Floor
- Why are hyperlinks blue? (blog.mozilla.org)
Elise Blanchard starts from the beginning of the internet to find who started the trend of blue hyperlinks.
- Electric cars and batteries: how will the world produce enough? (nature.com)
Davide Castelvecchi about the importance of recycling, especially when it comes to batteries.
- Fighting Like Taliban (scholars-stage.org)
Tanner Greer about the fighting culture in Afghanistan.
- The Myth of a Superhuman AI (wired.com)
Kevin Kelly about five misconceptions when talking about a "superhuman" AI.
- Collapse, Renewal and the Rope of History (medium.com)
Angus Hervey tells us how real-life isn't a moral arc and how it's up to us to make a difference.
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